[어원] Brunhild / Brynhild
Old High German name
Combination of BRYN and HILD
1) Old Swedish form of Brunhild
2) Younger form of Brynhildr
Origin of the name Brunhild : German
In German the meaning of the name Brunhild is : Dark or Noble.
어원은 게르만어로 '어둠' 또는 '고귀한' 을 의미한다.
In Norse the meaning of the name Brunhild is :
Armored fighting woman.
Definition of Brunhild : armored warrior woman
(고대) 노르웨이[스칸디나비아]에서는 '무장한 여인' 즉, '여전사'를 의미했다.
Meaning of Brunhild: Variant of BRÜNHILD
Color of the name Brunhild : Blue & Pink
Bryn = 'coat of mail', 'armour', 'protection'
Germanic name element which is difficult to tell apart from BRUN
Old Norse : brynja
= 'coat of mail(쇠사슬 갑옷 : 금속 고리를 엮은
중세의 기다란 호신용 코트), armour(갑옷), protection(보호구)'
Old High German : brunnī = 'coat of mail', 'armour', 'protection'
brunni = 'coat of mail', 'armour', 'protection'
brunna = 'coat of mail', 'armour, 'protection'
brunia = 'coat of mail', 'armour, 'protection'
Hild = 'battle', 'fight'
Younger form of Hildr
Germanic name element
See also VILD (스웨덴어 : 야생의, 거친, 난폭한)
Ancient Germanic: *hildio_= 'battle', 'fight'
*hilta_= 'battle', 'fight'
*hiltja_= 'battle', 'fight'
Proto-Norse: *heldiō-_= 'battle', 'fight'
Old Norse: hildr = 'battle', 'fight'
Old Saxon: hild(i) = 'battle', 'fight'
Old High German: hiltja = 'battle', 'fight'
hilta = 'battle', 'fight'