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영어이름의 의미


by 클레르 2020. 6. 1.

Olivia Joy Dahlia


ORIGIN : Germanic  /  old norse  /  latin  /  mycenaean greek


NATIVE NAME ROOT : ELAíA / éLAION (ἐλαία / ἔλαιον)


The origin of this name is still today quite uncertain. The theories include:

1) From the Germanic “Alfher” (from which Alvaro) or the Old Norse “Áleifr” from the Proto-Norse “*AnulaiƀaR” (from which Olaf).

2) From the Latin “ŏlīva” (olive, a symbol of peace, religious piety or victory), referring to the fruit or the branch of the olive.

3) A third hypothesis, less accredited, is from the Mycenaean Greek “élaiwon (ἔλαιϝον)”, Classic Greek “Elaion (ἔλαιον)”. The names "olaf" and "oliver" are linked to the Latin root, but related to the Germanic and Norse, from (Alfher) and (Ólæifr).

Saint Oliver Plunkett (1629–1681) was the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland who was the last victim of the Popish Plot.



기원 : 게르만어 / 고대 노르웨이어 / 라틴어 / 미케네아 그리스어
이름의 루트 :  (ALFHER) (ÁLEIFR / *ANULAIƀAR) (ELAíA / éLAION > ŏLīVA > ŏLīVāRĭUS)
토착 이름의 루트 : ELAíA / éLAION (ἐλαία / ἔλαιον)
이 이름의 기원은 오늘날까지도 꽤 불확실하다.
그 이론은 다음과 같다.

1) 게르만어인 "Alfher"(알바로 로부터) 또는 프로토-노르드 "*AnulaiƀaR"(올라프 로부터)의 옛 노르드 "Alleifr"에서.
2) 라틴어 "엘레바"(올리브, 평화, 종교적 경건함 또는 승리의 상징)에서, 올리브 열매나 가지를 가리킨다.
3) 세 번째 가설은 공신력이 낮은 미케네안 그리스어 "얼라이원(ἔααιν)", 고전 그리스어 "엘라이온(elaion, ἔαιν)"에서 비롯된다. '올라프'와 '올리버'라는 이름은 라틴어 뿌리와 연결되어 있지만, 게르만어족과 노르웨이어족, (Alfher)과 (Olæifr)에서 유래한 것과 관련이 있다.

성 올리버 플런켓 (1629–1681)은 포피쉬 플롯의 마지막 희생자인 아르마흐와 올 아일랜드의 프리마테의 로마 가톨릭 대주교였다.


Geographical spread
이름 지도

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